Saving Energy - For Me It’s Savings Not Conservation
by Richard Schilling
(Liberty, Texas)
As of late saving energy and water at home has become a popular topic of conversation. There are several different reasons for this and each person has different motivation for saving energy.
Some are self serving while others are more for the environment as a whole. My reasons for saving energy are almost purely financial. In our current economy, energy savings is more important than energy saving.
I have several habits which have been hard to break over time, but once broken will save enough money to make a significant impact on my own financial situation and for the long term.
I feel as if the more money I have, the more money I have to spend locally on other products. Energy savings (if wide spread) can be passed on, helping local economies and communities.
When I repair things such as leaky faucets or replacing incandescent bulbs, I usually buy them from my local building center. My energy savings are returned in the form of lower utility bills, which in turn I can justify other home improvements to further the cause.
I believe that our water is in short supply, and our energy usage has increased mainly due to technological advances. With these advances, also come health issues.
I have a personal belief that air conditioning and not lack of exercise and motivation is a primary cause of obesity in children as well, so by turning off the air conditioning and opening windows we not only help our environment, but we are aiding in our own personal health as well.